Kalman Filter

Kalman filter is an optimal estimation algorithm. It can help us to estimate a system state when it cannot be measured directly. This blog discusses the Kalman Filter which is widely used to filtering the noise and disturbance in a random system.

In a practical dynamic system, there are three types of uncertainties:

  • random disturbance
  • measurement noise
  • uncertainty of system parameters

So we encounter such a problem: how we estimate the state of a system from the measurement affected by noises? Here the Kalman filter gives an answer.

Prior knowledge

  • Bayesian estimation, see , you should look for the prior and posterior.

What is Kalman filter

First, always remember that the Kalman filter is an optimal algorithm, when we mention optimal, that means we are going to solve an optimal problem

So now, let’s give out the basic dynamic system model we are going to deal with and the mathematical description about Kalman filter.

Basic dynamic system

In a Kalman filter, we assume that the real state at time $k$ is determined by last time $k-1$:


  • $\mathbf{F}_{k}$ is the transfer matrix
  • $\mathbf{B}_{k}$ is the input matrix
  • $\mathbf{w}{k}$ is the process noise satisfies $\mathbf{w}{k} \sim N\left(0, \mathbf{Q}_{k}\right)$.

At time $k$, a measurement $\mathbf{z}{k}$ of $\mathbf{x}{k}$ satisfies:


  • $\mathbf{H}_{k}$ is the observation matrix
  • $ \mathbf{v}{k} $ is the measurement noise satisfies $ \mathbf{v}{k} \sim N\left(0, \mathbf{R}_{k}\right) $.

Mathematical description

The state of a Kalman filter can be represented by the following two variables:

  • $\hat{\mathbf{x}}_{k|k-1}$: estimation at time $k-1$ without current measurement(先验状态估计,不太好的估计).

  • $\hat{\mathbf{x}}_{k|k}$: estimation at time $k$ based on the current measurement(后验状态估计,比较好的估计).

  • $\hat{\mathbf{P}}_{k|k-1}$: prior covariance matrix of estimation error
  • $\hat{\mathbf{P}}_{k|k}$: posterior covariance matrix of estimation error, used for judge the estimation precision.

There are two main steps in Kalman filter, estimation and update:

Estimation (“Predict with prior knowledge”)

Update based on measurement (“Correct using posterior knowledge”)

First we need to compute three variables:

  • $\tilde{\mathbf{y}}_{k}$ is the measurement residual (error between measurement and estimation)
  • $\mathbf{S}_{k}$ is the covariance matrix of measurement residual
  • $\mathbf{K}_{k}$ is the optimal Kalman gain

Then we use them to update variable $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{P}$

  • The first function is the updated state estimation
  • The second is the updated covariance matrix of estimation error





In this section we are going to design a Kalman filter for the inverted pendulum mentioned in State feedback control.

